SBIR TechBase®
Site Registration is a requirement for system access and for basic search functions, as a
no-cost public service this part of the site provides

useful level & types of search of all SBIR and STTR awards to include those most recently announced -
now almost 100,000 projects with about one-third converted to Phase II

along with alphabetized listings and, by certain useful elements of general interest, some search capabilities among what are now
over 21,000 SBIR-STTR involved firms.
The full complement of 21,000+ SBIR-STTR awardees in our in-office systems and here on-site includes extensive information and considerable detail on every firm ever in receipt of SBIR-STTR award funding from the very earliest who were program involved - some even pre-dating when the SBIR enabling legislation which took the program went government-wide in Fiscal 83 - up to and including those awardees in receipt of SBIR-STTR funding in recent weeks.
Relational databases: extensive technical
capabilities and business condition detail
No-Cost Service on-line capabilities are anchored in, and draw down on an important but small part of the comprehensive SBIR-STTR relational databases privately developed and managed by the Innovation Development Institute.
These powerful
offline systems include extensive detail on a range of factors judged to be usefully indicative of the technical skills-sets and capabilities, along with the current business condition, of every SBIR-STTR awardee.
See Synopsis Database Elements.
Systematic engagement:
Powerful algorithms and a proprietary Technical Thesaurus have been developed and are the primary tools we use offline to deep-mine these systems
- to support the extensive, and highly-effective, business partnering efforts - Expertise Precision Sourcing - (ExPreS) which define the ASSET system. To date, such systems usage
- for by-invitation Events participation - Anual ASSETs Forums, periodic ... focused to sessions and - very important - inknowvation@work® session on Tech Seeker sites
- and for active engagement of the private-sector funded, proposal-based version of SBIR we manage - called iP3 -
has already yielded in excess of $225M of business relationships between Tech Seekers - large and mid-sized firms interested in accessing the talent that is the SBIR Community - and appropriately skilled SBIR awardees identified through full use of our systems
- to undertake important and detailed analyses which help us - and others - to understand how SBIR works - and is working - both collectively and individually. Systematic engagement of these developed resources reveal the trends, clusterings and anomalies which so powerfully enable use of SBIR as almost a living lab., which very often mirrors what is going on in the larger economy.
If you are interested in the conduct of these types of
Analytical Studies or the powerful
Precision Sourcing of technical expertise (versus the far less effective - but currently high-profile - Crowd Sourcing approach)
- EITHER by us on your behalf
- OR by our providing the data to support your own efforts in that regard
contact us.